Saturday, June 30, 2012

The Great Communicator

Ronald Reagan, the 40th president of the United States, is known as The Great Communicator. He was known as this because his communication style was simple, clear, and sincere. He had a wonderful knack of speaking about complex subjects in a way that people could understand. Through his communication skills, he improved international relations immensely during his presidency. "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall" will forever remind us of what Reagan accomplished during his presidency (Thompson, 2011).

I greatly admire Reagan's knack for taking complex subjects and making them understandable to the average person. It is important to speak to your audience in a level in which they understand. I feel this is a skill that is necessary when working with children and families.

For example, education (at least public education) is infamous for using acronyms. I remember how lost I felt my first year of teaching when my colleagues were discussing TEKS, TAKS, FERPA, IEPs, SPED, and many others. This is the same way parents feel when discussing topics that are unfamiliar. Consequently, you wouldn't speak to a child the same way you speak to adults. To sum it up, you should always know your intended audience and speak to them in a manner in which they understand.


Thompson, F. (2011, February 6). What Made Ronald Reagan The Great Communicator: Former U.S. Senator Fred Thompson Reflects. New York Daily News. Retrieved from


The Early Childhood Manoir said...

You mentioned the importance of knowing your intended audience, which is crucial in effective communication. This is particularly important in the classrooms where we have children in various developmental brackets and with other factors that can influence message reception and understanding (e.g., culture, language, physical and hearing impairments and so one). Additionally, as a trainer, this understanding can make my training a success or a failure. It usually allows me to respond to the needs of those visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learners in my audience. Thank you for this insight.

Julia said...


I also think that Ronald Reagan was a marvelous communicator. He always made me feel that he was strong and in control. I rarely (almost never) get that feeling from listening to politicians, but I did from him.

Anonymous said...

Hey Christina!

How did you enjoy this week’s blog assignment? I thought it was very interesting weighing the
importance of verbal communication vs. non-verbal communication. In your opinion is verbal
communication more valuable than non-verbal communication. I am anxious to your response. I
would also like to add that I enjoyed reading your blog. Great Job!

Alice Jones