Zero to Three ( is one of my favorite websites for early childhood. I subscribe to their newsletter, From Baby to Big Kid, which contains a variety of information from pre-birth through age three. I often use information found on the website and newsletter in my Child Development classes. The website focuses on the healthy development of all babies and toddlers, but focuses on those that are vulnerable and in need. This can be attritbuted to the changing diversity and demographics of our society. I am focusing on language learning in children, specifically Spanish/English. I found this on the website:
Songs, Rhymes, and Fingerplays in English and Spanish
The Canadian Child Care Foundation's website ( is in both English and French, showing they value language diversity. The site is dedicated to providing information for providing quality childcare that meets the need of diverse children. You can also subscribe to the online magazine called Interatcion ( The Facebook group is a forum where EC professionals discuss current issues and topics. For example, one member posted a question about breastfeeding policies at a child care center in the U.S. and other members commented.
I loved the link you provided! My center has three and four year old children--we are Head Start not Early Head Start, but our children have young siblings. It's a great resource to share with my families!! Thanks so much!!
Thank you for the bilingual finger play link! I will definitely use that for my class. I appreciate it any new ideas I can get.
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