This a picture that was created by my son when he was four and I was pregnant with his little sister, Olivia. He told me that the blue spot was the baby and the red and orange was my tummy. It was special to me because of the subject, but also because he created for me.
Tyler attended a NAEYC certified preschool from the time he was 3 until he started Kindergarten. When he first started, I imagined my refrigerator filling up with his artwork. Weeks went by and he didn't bring anything home. Finally we met with the teacher and I asked her why Tyler wasn't bringing any artwork home. She explained to me that the program was child-centered and the children could choose the centers in which they wanted to work. She said Tyler was much more interested in the science center and rarely visited the art center. Occasionally the class would have a directed art activity that he would bring home. This piece will always be special to me because it was one of the few that Tyler chose to create on his own.
BTW, Olivia LOVES art and brings home lots and lots of it. My refrigerator is always full!
What an amazing picture. How great that at three he was aware and involved with your pregnancy. Was he excited to get a little sister? I had three children, and of them, not one was thrilled with art. Fortunately, I have a six year old granddaughter who now fills my refrigerator with drawings. Do you find it easier to empathize with parents who want their refrigerator children to make "them" pictures, having gone through it yourself?
I meant how great that he was involved at four. Apparently my brain and fingers were not connected today. Sorry.
What a great picture! It is amazing to see the children's imaginations and how they perceive things at such a young age. As a kindergarten teacher, I love doing projects that involve art. Kindergarten used to be so fun and teachers were able to do so many projects. These days the Michigan State Standards expect a lot academically out of such young children. Anyways, I love the picture! Kathryn
He was really excited until he found out he was getting a little sister and not a little brother. Now he regularly says she ruined his life.
I teach high school so I don't have to deal with parents like that. We do a few art projects in class. I always tell them to take it home and put it on the fridge.
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